Module 10 Finding Balance & Staying Strong

What Mothers Have Said

When we developed the healthy mothers program, we also evaluated the outcomes experienced by mothers. We interviewed mothers as well. Here is a short video about mothers finding empowerment through the HMHF program.

Here are some quotes from past participants.

The mothers were reflecting on their daily life. They make some good points that may apply to you or someone you know. Sharing the wisdom of others helps us. We can learn too. Here are the comments that mothers made after attending the workshops:

I always feel that I’m a terrible mother and I’m not doing enough and all that kind of stuff, and it’s probably not true.
I’m constantly, oh have I done enough for [child with autism]? … Is he well-balanced, is he this, is he that. Then, oh my gosh, have I neglected [other child] because I’ve put so much effort into [child with autism]. I was constantly questioning myself…Upon reflection, I thought, I can’t possibly do any more for these children, and I’m doing my best. I’ve now started to tell myself that a bit more often.
My journey with my children has been validated, that I’m not alone, I’m not going crazy, it actually is a valid stress that people don’t give credence too. So, I am probably walking a little bit taller.
Entry last updated 18 February, 2020